How can the ‘No poverty’ of UNSDG can be achieved by Internet of Things solution?

I have briefly introduced about ‘No poverty’ of UNSDG in my last post, and also share about some of my thoughts about it, there are some many difficulties, but now I want to discuss about to what extent do Internet of things (IoT) help to achieve the goal of ‘No poverty’.

The most important things benefit from IoT is farming, farming is a major part of GDP in the developing countries, it is a great idea to improve the poverty problem in the rural area of the developing countries. The huge problems of agriculture are climate change and the quality of the soil.

A startup company calls Groundtruth which is the winner of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation ‘s Grand Challenges Explorations has built low-cost sensors to get weather data, they are using satellite data and the sensors to predict the rainfall, and using the mobile phone to inform index insurance schemes. These will significantly reduce agricultural risk.

Another aspect of agriculture is graze, one of the examples of IoT solution is installing the Radio Frequency Identifiers (RFIDs) in the animals and install the RFIS reader around the grazing place, so the system would able to inform the grazier, let them keep tracing the location of the animals, preventing the loss of the animals.

There is a lot of IoTs solution has been implemented in the real world to help to solve the problem of the poverty, and obviously, there are more can be done.

Reference The ‘internet of things’ is narrowing the gap between data and action by Catherine Cheney in 2016

The Internet of Things in Agriculture for Sustainable Rural Development by Nomusa Dlodlo from Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Meraka Institute Pretoria, South Africa & Josephat Kalezhi from Department of Computer Science of Copperbelt University

‘No poverty’ of UN sustainable development goals

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‘No poverty’ goals is the 1st goals within the UN sustainable development goals list, it implies the importance. In my perspectives, the goal of ‘No poverty’ is not equal to equally wealthy, but just helping the people under the poverty line, according to the UNDP website, there are about one in five persons lives on less than US$1,25 per day in developing regions and 650 million people still live in extreme poverty, helping these kinds of people should be a major reason for the goal.

To be honest, ‘No poverty’ since like an unachievable goal for me, the most immediate way to help the people who live in extreme poverty is through donation just like what UN said in their website ‘Donate what you don’t use’, it can be money, it can be clothes. However, it is not comprehensive, to reach the ‘No poverty’, it has to maintain a tight connection between others UN sustainable goals, like quality education, improving public health, deal with hunger etc, since poverty is not only about materials, but also important to build a society which can provide equal opportunity around them. In general speaking, ‘No poverty’ is one of the greatest goals, it can only achievable by multi-aspect.


Goal 1: No poverty

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Human Working Memory Model


Human Working Memory Model is the most interesting thing I have learned recently. So, at first what is working memory? It refers to the systems that are assumed to be necessary to order to keep things in mind when we are performing complex tasks. The concept of working memory is a model which have not the proved as a fact, but it has been widely used in cognitive psychology.

Basically, the working memory is separated into two parts according to the Human Working Memory Model subjected by Baddeley

  • Short-term memory (STM)
  • Long-term memory (LTM)

STM is a temporary storage of small amounts of information over brief periods, and the different kinds of information are being handled by different parts of STM. Visuospatial sketchpad mainly focuses on visual information and the Phonological loop mainly focus on language-like information like speech, music and sound. These kinds of information will interact with Central executive, which control and regulation of the cognitive process. After they understand the information by considering the context, it stores in the Episodic buffer which can turn into Long-term memory later.

The model indicated that the information will never exist without context, for example, when we listen to speech of someone, we are not just remembering what he just says, we also remember his/her mood, body language, and the image showed on the screen, then some of the information will transfer to knowledge and store in LTM.


Working memory


Information Theory


What is information and what does it mean to me as an information engineer?

According to the course, the information is defined as a source consists of a finite set of information units (bits), so what is the difference between data and information? Data is more likely a set of unorganized facts, it can be random and useless since it does not exist under some meaningful context, but information is so different, information come from the data, but it is organized, structured, always presented in certain form under meaningful context, these make information useful. Therefore, we can say that information is what allows one mind to influence another.

Information can present in various ways, like text, sound using language, we also using the symbol, for instance, traffic light. But the problem comes, how can we measure these kinds of information, just like we measure weight and height. For example, to present the address of your house, you can use plain text, or you can use language or sound to tell the people you want, the address represents in different ways, but we all know they are the same information. These are where Information Theory takes place, Information Theory measure information using bits, like information entropy.

As an information engineer, we should first extract the meaningful data from raw data, which will become information, and also study the influence of the information in the social community.


Data vs information


Information Theory
